DATA & AI FOR BUSINESS Forum & Meetings



Fivetran, the industry leader in data integration, enables enterprises to power AI workloads like predictive analytics, AI/ML applications and generative AI, and accelerate cloud migration. The Fivetran platform reliably and securely centralizes data from hundreds of SaaS applications and databases into any cloud destination — whether deployed on-premises, in the cloud or in a hybrid environment. Thousands of global brands, including Autodesk, Condé Nast, JetBlue and Morgan Stanley trust Fivetran to move their most valuable data assets to fuel analytics, drive operational efficiencies and power innovation.

Livres blancs

Rapport IDC "Les avantages de Fivetran"
Comment choisir le pipeline de données le plus rentable pour votre entreprise
Les 3 incontournables de votre Modern Data Stack pour le retail


Qu'est ce que Fivetran ?
Podcast DataGen: Fivetran : L’ETL pilier de la Modern Data Stack

Business cases

Interflora accélère sa stratégie d’expansion data en Europe grâce à Fivetran
En savoir plus
Deliveroo turns food delivery into a data-driven enterprise
En savoir plus

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